END x Levi's: Making Marks short film directed and edited by Megan Jepson

Titled ‘Making Marks,’ the short docufilm was commissioned, developed, and shot during a year in which the very viability of the arts was called into question in the UK. Offering own-voice testimony from those making their mark - each with a unique creative practise - the film focuses on three UK artists in London, Newcastle, and Glasgow, cities where END. has made its mark.
Featuring Kai Isaiah-Jamal, a spoken-word poet and trans visibility activist from London; Megan Jepson, a filmmaker and photographer from Newcastle; and Trackie McLeod a visual artist and cultural commentator from Glasgow, the ‘Making Marks’ film visits each in their hometown exploring what their city means to them, how it’s shaped them as an artist, and celebrates the monument of what can be achieved when creative paths collide.
DOP: Ben Hale
Lighting: Connor Griffin
Producer: Euan Smart (END)

Below is the trailer for the film. Which can be watched in full here -  endclothing.com/gb/features/making-marks-a-film-by-end-levis
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